[Tn5250j-scripting] Trigger.py
2003-04-02 14:47:23 UTC

The trigger script is not using the signon verification. This should
work with anybody willing to change the script but is still not 100%
correct. Patrick and I had this discussion already and thought he
changed it.

Anyway to make a long story short we can use the SignOff Verification
functionality that is in pre5 and will be available in the upcoming,
hopefully soon, 0.5.6 release. This does all the checking automatically
and you can even specify the rectangle to check against, the last
enhancement that was made.

What do you guys think? This would be a better solution IMHO.


2003-04-02 15:23:51 UTC
Hi Kenneth

Yeah, sounds good. Didn't know about the discussion.
You can customise the SignOff verification, right? There arre
customised signon displays out there.
Post by tn5250j
The trigger script is not using the signon verification. This should
work with anybody willing to change the script but is still not 100%
correct. Patrick and I had this discussion already and thought he
changed it.
Anyway to make a long story short we can use the SignOff Verification
functionality that is in pre5 and will be available in the upcoming,
hopefully soon, 0.5.6 release. This does all the checking
automatically and you can even specify the rectangle to check against,
the last enhancement that was made.
What do you guys think? This would be a better solution IMHO.
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2003-04-02 15:52:55 UTC

Boolean Session.isOnScreen(int x ,int y, String str)

I meant to say that rather than the Trigger script, it would be nice to
have a method like the above - keeping it simple for now and avoiding
rectangular areas.
Post by jorjun
Hi Kenneth
Yeah, sounds good. Didn't know about the discussion.
You can customise the SignOff verification, right? There arre
customised signon displays out there.
Post by tn5250j
The trigger script is not using the signon verification. This should
work with anybody willing to change the script but is still not 100%
correct. Patrick and I had this discussion already and thought he
changed it.
Anyway to make a long story short we can use the SignOff Verification
functionality that is in pre5 and will be available in the upcoming,
hopefully soon, 0.5.6 release. This does all the checking
automatically and you can even specify the rectangle to check
against, the last enhancement that was made.
What do you guys think? This would be a better solution IMHO.
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: Dedicated Hosting for
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
2003-04-02 16:00:55 UTC
Post by tn5250j
Boolean Session.isOnScreen(int x ,int y, String str)
Been wanting to add some of that kind of functionality. Will do in the
next version am thinking.

Post by tn5250j
I meant to say that rather than the Trigger script, it would be nice
to have a method like the above - keeping it simple for now and
avoiding rectangular areas.
Post by jorjun
Hi Kenneth
Yeah, sounds good. Didn't know about the discussion.
You can customise the SignOff verification, right? There arre
customised signon displays out there.
Post by tn5250j
The trigger script is not using the signon verification. This
should work with anybody willing to change the script but is still
not 100% correct. Patrick and I had this discussion already and
thought he changed it.
Anyway to make a long story short we can use the SignOff
Verification functionality that is in pre5 and will be available in
the upcoming, hopefully soon, 0.5.6 release. This does all the
checking automatically and you can even specify the rectangle to
check against, the last enhancement that was made.
What do you guys think? This would be a better solution IMHO.
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: Dedicated Hosting for
just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! No other company gives more
support or power for your dedicated server
Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: Dedicated Hosting for
just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! No other company gives more
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
2003-04-02 16:05:11 UTC
Hi Kenneth,

Good idea!


2003-04-02 16:03:27 UTC
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
Hi Kenneth,
Good idea!
Sorry but which idea? The one about the Signon Verification or checking
for a string on the screen like what Pete had mentioned.


Post by G***@pixelio.ch
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
2003-04-02 16:16:05 UTC
If find the Signoff Verification and good idea!
Even if I'm not yet planning to use it,... other priorities :--)
2003-04-02 16:20:25 UTC
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
If find the Signoff Verification and good idea!
When you are ready let me know and when can test it. Have not heard if
anybody is using it yet or not. Patrick suggested that we add some
parameters to define a region to verify.

What it does is if it is turned on it will save the text of the first
screen after connection is made. When the session is being closed it
will then check the region supplied in the parameters against the save
text information for verification of the signon screen.


Post by G***@pixelio.ch
Even if I'm not yet planning to use it,... other priorities :--)
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth!
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Tn5250j-scripting mailing list
Christian Geisert
2003-04-03 16:08:58 UTC
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
If find the Signoff Verification and good idea!
When you are ready let me know and when can test it. Have not heard if
anybody is using it yet or not. Patrick suggested that we add some
parameters to define a region to verify.
What it does is if it is turned on it will save the text of the first
screen after connection is made. When the session is being closed it
will then check the region supplied in the parameters against the save
text information for verification of the signon screen.
Ah that's funny .. I was just going to ask what this option is about.
I guessed it is about confirmation but tested it only at the signon
screen ;-)

But shouldn't it be called 'Confirm SigOFF screen before close' ?

(doing german translation right now..)

2003-04-04 04:31:03 UTC
Post by Christian Geisert
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
Post by G***@pixelio.ch
If find the Signoff Verification and good idea!
When you are ready let me know and when can test it. Have not heard
if anybody is using it yet or not. Patrick suggested that we add
some parameters to define a region to verify.
What it does is if it is turned on it will save the text of the first
screen after connection is made. When the session is being closed it
will then check the region supplied in the parameters against the
save text information for verification of the signon screen.
Ah that's funny .. I was just going to ask what this option is about.
I guessed it is about confirmation but tested it only at the signon
screen ;-)
But shouldn't it be called 'Confirm SigOFF screen before close' ?
:-)) When I called it SignOFF I received a message about it being
confusing because the screen really checked against was "Sign On" so
changed it.

What do the rest of you all think?


Post by Christian Geisert
(doing german translation right now..)
Great as still have not been able to get that release out. Found out
yesterday that will be having to go out of town today so this weekend
will be shot for it as well.

Patrick are you going to update your translations as well? If so then
we will shoot for Monday as a release date.
Post by Christian Geisert

Post by Christian Geisert
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